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Resolving Python SMTPAuthenticationError with Gmail

This short article explains how to resolve a SMTPAuthenticationError exception thrown when you attempt to login to Gmail via Python's smtp library.

The exception message may look similar to

SMTPAuthenticationError: (534, '5.7.14
<https://accounts.google.com/ContinueSignIn?sarp=1& scc=1&plt=stsnlll\n5.7.14
j4_5F      kw> Please log in via your web browser and then try again.\n5.7.14
Learn more at https://s upport.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=787\n5.7.14
23 d26d88119.25 - gsmtp')

Step 1: Ensure your Python code is correct

This stackoverflow answer serves as a perfect template for sending mails from your gmail account through a Python script. Double check your code to make sure you are performing all the necessary steps in the SMTP authentication process.

Step 2: Ensure your password is correct

Copy and paste your password to ensure there are no typos. Don't think too highly of yourself to believe you are incapable of making this mistake! Additionally, if you are using 2-factor authentication, you will be required to use application-specific passwords instead of your normal password.

Step 3: Disabling CAPTCHA for clients

If you are not using 2-factor authentication and you have verified the credentials in your Python source are correct, follow these steps:

  1. Login to gmail in your browser
  2. Navigate to the DisplayUnclockCaptcha page.
  3. Click the continue button, and you will see the message

    Account access enabled Please try signing in to your Google account again from your new device or application.

  4. Run your Python script - your login attempt should be successful.

Tagged as python

Date published - November 24, 2013