(guest@joequery.me)~ $ |

Hi there!

I'm Joe, a Senior Frontend Developer currently specializing in ReactJS.

Name: Joseph McCullough
Email: joseph@vertstudios.com
Resume: View PDF
Current location: Tyler, TX
Github profile: JoeQuery

Technical skills

Highly proficient

• ReactJS • Redux • Javascript • Jest+Enzyme • Selenium-based E2E frameworks


• Python • Docker • DataDog • Ansible • AWS resource management • CI pipelines • PHP


• Ruby • SQL • GraphQL


  • I collaborate extremely well with UX designers, project managers, backend developers, and devops.
  • I use code review as an opportunity to both learn and educate.
  • I take a maintainability-first approach to authoring source code.
  • I enjoy mentoring junior and mid-level developers to aid their career growth.
  • I fiercely advocate for end-users.

My ideal team culture

  • Welcoming to all.
  • Highly collaborative.
  • Short, effective, actionable meetings.
  • Neither over-encumbered with processes nor shoot-from-the-hip.
  • Speedy CI/CD pipelines.
  • Respectful of life outside of work.


Indeed - Software Developer (May 2021 - May 2024)

My role included full-stack development with a heavy emphasis on React.

  • Front-End Integration Leader: Led the front-end integration for one of Indeed's major OpenAI pilot projects. This initiative generated AI summaries of candidate resumes, aligning them with job postings to enhance employer insights.

  • Project Leadership: Directed multiple projects that required effective delegation, planning, and optimization for parallel work streams.

  • Performance Optimization: Significantly enhanced the performance of legacy React code by identifying and resolving excessive component re-renders. Key improvements included memoizing event handler props and eliminating the unnecessary use of the Function as Child Component pattern.

  • Production Issue Resolution: Diagnosed and resolved intermittent production issues in React code. Refactored a large, brittle component with non-deterministic useEffect chains, improving stability and maintainability.

  • UI Flow Implementation: Developed a new UI flow enabling job seekers to reuse existing test scores for repeated assessments, significantly increasing assessment completion rates.

  • User Interaction Enhancement: Collaborated on a UI flow to emphasize phone screen recordings, leading to a measurable increase in employer engagement and reducing wasted job-seeker time.

  • Cross-Functional Communication: Facilitated effective communication between backend engineers, product management, and UX designers, ensuring cohesive project delivery.

  • Mentorship: Provided mentorship to junior engineers on both technical skills and career development, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented environment.

  • Figma Workflow: Collaborated closely with UX designers, transforming Figma mockups into React components based on Figma specifications.

  • GraphQL Integration: Reviewed GraphQL schema proposals to ensure UI client needs were met. Integrated with GraphQL APIs using the Apollo React library.

Thales eSecurity - Software Developer (September 2018 - April 2021)

My primary focus at Thales was contributing to the UI for the Keysecure product via ReactJS development. Keysecure is a key management system used by customers operating critical systems that require extensive security measures.

  • Mentorship: Served as the UI tech lead, mentoring over 10 engineers through one-on-one problem-solving sessions and extensive code reviews.

  • Scrum Master: Led the UI team as Scrum master, implementing asynchronous communication workflows for effective collaboration across multiple continents.

  • Cross-Functional Communication: Frequently facilitated discussions between backend developers and UX designers to align goals, address concerns, and understand constraints.

  • Build Server Monitoring: Configured monitoring on corporate build server agents to prevent high-use build agents from running out of disk space.

  • Continuous Integration: Set up continuous integration pipelines to run unit tests, enforce linting, and ensure consistent code formatting.

  • UI Preview Service: Developed a web service that creates a fully functional preview of the UI for each open pull request.

  • Enhanced Testing Framework: Created an Enzyme-based integration test framework that outperformed existing Cypress/TestCafe tests by 5x.

IST Research - DevOps / QA (January 2016 - September 2018)

  • Docker: Created Docker images via Dockerfiles for existing applications, optimized build times, used multistage and Alpine builds when practical, and developed docker-compose files for quick environment provisioning.

  • Monitoring: Utilized DataDog for monitoring, created system-level monitors for services like Redis, Kafka, and Elasticsearch, developed dashboards for in-house applications to track health and anomalies, integrated with PagerDuty for on-call paging, and wrote custom DataDog checks in Python for Elasticsearch polling.

  • AWS Management: Managed AWS services including EC2, ELB, RDS, Route53, Elasticache, and IAM. Participated in Amazon Neptune preview, created IAM policies for Lambda communication with Neptune, S3, and API Gateway, and established VPC peering connections for Portainer nodes across AWS organizations.

  • Continuous Integration: Evaluated CI tools and chose CircleCI for its Docker support, created CI pipelines for unit tests, Docker image builds and pushes, and automated deployments to the dev environment.

  • Deployment Automation: Used Ansible for automated infrastructure provisioning, authored notable Ansible roles including a custom nginx ActionModule, a Tarsnap backup role, and a non-standard Oozie installation linked to a local HBase installation.

  • Troubleshooting Documentation: Authored playbooks to aid on-call engineers in diagnosing and resolving issues, and created network communication diagrams to bridge the knowledge gap between developers and DevOps.

  • Server Management: Managed and maintained Ubuntu 14.04 servers, performed scheduled downtimes per customer requirements, and documented deployment anomalies for stability follow-up.

  • Python Development: Improved a Twitter streaming application with an asynchronous KafkaProducer, and implemented a Slackbot to generate and share forecast-style gifs of DataDog dashboards in Slack channels.

Austin Coding Academy - Instructor (June 2014 - November 2015)

Andrew Harper - Python Developer (Contracting May 2015 - September 2015)

  • Integrated a BackboneJS front end with a Django Rest Framework API
  • Doubled the speed of a pre-existing in-house search indexer through Django ORM optimizations
  • Created user favorites for arbitrary objects via Generic Foreign Keys
  • Implemented a flexible data submission/review cycle between Andrew Harper employees and hotel representatives

Andrew Harper - Python Developer (June 2013 - June 2014)

  • Rest API development via Django Rest Framework
    • Overrode Django Rest Framework internals to allow for more dynamic routing
    • Created authorization scheme which enforced limitations on API clients (with an emphasis on securing user data)
  • Custom shopping cart
    • Stripe integration
    • Authorization to various parts of the site based on product selection
    • Created infrastructure for promo-codes, bundled products, US vs International pricing
  • Dynamic GeoJSON generation for use with the MapBox API
  • Created custom python APIs to cope with vendors unable to expose json/xml endpoints
    • Requests was used to facilitate interaction with the vendors' web applications
    • PyQuery was used to parse the resulting HTML and extract relevant data

Communications Corporation of America - PHP Developer (Dec 2011 - June 2013)

  • Custom Drupal module development for 25+ TV station websites
  • Created custom PHP libraries for interacting with vendor web applications
  • Created in-house utilities to aid collaboration workflow. These tools enabled us to
    • easily transfer databases between developer machines
    • quickly restore from on-site database backups
  • AWS management
    • EC2 / ELB
    • RDS
    • S3 / Cloudfront
  • Nginx/Apache webserver management and configuration

Vert Studios - Web Developer (Sep 2010 - 2012)

  • Custom jQuery plugin development
  • Simple website development via Wordpress, RefineryCMS
  • Deployment, hosting, and version control management
  • Traffic generation via technical articles

Personal Projects



  • JSONSelector - A utility which describes how to traverse to a particular value in a JSON response
  • joequery.me - My personal website, a custom Flask blog engine.

Ubuntu server configuration


Technical writing / Tutorial creation

Open source contributions

  • Refactored and extended the parser of a Jinja2 syntax highlighting plugin - PR Link
  • Added installation documentation for Habitbot setup - PR Link
  • Altered the client Terminal broadcasting service ScreenxTV to hide user credentials input through the terminal - PR Link
  • Fixed an issue in mruby's mirb REPL where the strings "exit" and "quit" would terminate the REPL when intended to be used as strings - PR Link


University of Texas at Tyler
Major: Computer Science with Math minor (Did not graduate)
3900 University Boulevard
Tyler, TX 75701-6699
(903) 566-7000
Attended: 2010-2013

Associates in General Studies

Tyler Junior College
1327 South Baxter Avenue
Tyler, Texas 75701
(903) 510-2200
Graduation Date: 2010


Available upon request.