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ERROR Heroku setting up iojs - no such file or directory

Description and solution of the heroku CLI error of the form Setting up iojs-v2.2.1... rename /home/user/.heroku/tmp/node980470436/iojs-v2.2.1-linux-x86

August 26, 2015 | Guides/Troubleshooting

Start GNU Screen with no config

How to start GNU Screen without loading the configuration file

August 23, 2015 | Guides/Troubleshooting

The self-hating Web Developer

My struggles with feelings of inadequacy and mediocrity as a web developer.

July 18, 2015 | Programming

Django test loaddata fixture not working [SOLVED]

How to use the loaddata management command inside a unittest to load fixtures for the test.

July 18, 2015 | Guides/Troubleshooting

The "Hm, okay" problem in programming education

An opinion piece on the need to create lecture content that searches for and confronts potential gaps in understanding among students.

June 15, 2015 | Education

How to stunt your growth as a developer

A list of habits which slowly stunt growth as a programmer.

June 06, 2015 | Programming

The plight of tactile learners in programming education

A post describing m concerns with programming education regarding the lack of attention towards tactile learners.

June 03, 2015 | Education

Prevent Backbone events from firing multiple times

A potential solution to prevent BackboneJS View events from firing multiple times.

May 30, 2015 | Programming

JavaScript event.target vs event.currentTarget in 30 seconds

Quick explanation of the difference between target and currentTarget in JavaScript

May 27, 2015 | Programming

Code is a terrible medium for learning

Opinions on teaching computer science concepts using code

May 25, 2015 | Education

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