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Installing Python2.7 with pip and virtualenv

This post will quickly help you install Python2.7, pip, and virtualenv.

Installing Python

First, download the Gzipped source tar from http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7/ (Direct link to the source here)

Assuming you downloaded the tar to your ~/Downloads directory, we do the following:

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ tar zxf Python-2.7.tgz
$ cd Python-2.7
$ ./configure

At this point, if you're on Ubuntu and see an error along the lines of Python.h not found, then you need to install the python-dev package.

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev

Now we use make to finish the installation

$ make # This make take a few minutes
$ sudo make install

If you come across any errors during the process, copying and pasting the error message into Google is almost guaranteed to help.

Verify the installation has succeded by running

$ python --version

The response should be "Python 2.7.3"

Installing pip and virtualenv

In order to install pip and virtualenv, we first have to install setuptools so we can have access to easy_install. We need to download setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg (Direct download link here).

Assuming you downloaded setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg to your ~/Downloads directory, execute the following

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ sudo bash setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg

We use the which command to verify setuptools correctly installed the easy_install executable. which simply tells you where an executable is located on the filesystem. If you get an empty response back, that means the program is either not installed or not in your $PATH.

$ which easy_install

The response should be non-empty. My response was /usr/local/bin/easy_install

Now we use easy_install to install pip

$ sudo easy_install pip

We can once again verify pip's installation with the which command

$ which pip

Finally, we can install virtualenv with

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

You no longer have to worry about using easy_install, which should be avoided since you cannot uninstall packages using easy_install.

Tagged as python

Date published - December 28, 2012