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Notes on dynamic programming - part 2

(This post is part of the dynamic programming series.)

These notes are based on the content of Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3rd Edition).

The ideas behind Warshall's algorithm, which was discussed in the previous notes on dynamic programming, can be applied to the more general problem of finding lengths of shortest paths in weighted graphs.

def: weighted graph

A graph which associates a label (called a weight) with every edge in the graph.


def: all-pairs shortest-path problem

Given a weighted connected graph, find the distances from each vertex to all other vertices.

Shortest-path algorithms play important parts in

  • communications
  • transportation networks
  • operations research
  • motion planning in video games

def: length of a path

The length of a path of a weighted graph is the accumulation of the weights of all the edges in the path.

def: weight matrix

The distance matrix is an n x n matrix W. The element wij in the i-th row and j-th column of the matrix indicates the weight of the edge from the i-th vertex to the j-th vertex.

def: distance matrix

The distance matrix is an n x n matrix D. The element dij in the i-th row and j-th column of the matrix indicates the length of the shortest path from the i-th vertex to the j-th vertex.

def: shortest path

The shortest path from vi to vj is the path from vi to vj with the smallest length. In other words, it is the path with the lowest sum of all the edges in the path.

Note that the distance from a vertex to itself is 0. For the weight matrix W, the distance from a vertex A to a vertex B is infinity if there is no edge from vertex A to vertex B. For directed graphs, remember that an edge from A to B does not mean there is also an edge from B to A. That is why wab is infinity while wba is 2. That is not the case with undirected graphs, where the edge from A to B is by definition equal to the edge from B to A.

For the distance matrix D, the value of dij is the length of the path from the vertex i to the vertex j. Here are some examples to demonstrate how we filled out the distance matrix table.

The distance matrix can be generated with an algorithm that is similar to Warshall's algorithm. It's called Floyd's algorithm.

Floyd's algorithm

Floyd's algorithm computes the distance matrix of a weighted graph with n vertices through a series of nxn matrices (with the assumption that the graph's vertices are numbered from 1 to n.)


The algorithm works for digraphs and undirected graphs, but the graphs must not contain a negative cycle. Note how familiar the series above is to that of Warshall's algorithm.

def: negative cycle

A cycle whose edges sum to a negative value

The element dij(k) is located at the i-th row and j-th column of the matrix D(k) in the series, with i,j=1,2,...,n and k=0,1,...,n . This element is equal to the length of the shortest possible path from the i-th vertex to the j-th vertex, with all intermediate vertices less than or equal to k.

Since the vertices are numbered 1 to n, elements of D(0), which are of the form dij(0), are equal to the length of the shortest path from the i-th vertex to j-th vertex, with no intermediates allowed. This is exactly the same thing as the weight matrix.

Elements of D(1), which are of the form dij(1), are equal to the length of the shortest path from the i-th vertex to the j-th vertex with the vertex 1 allowed as an intermediate.

Elements of D(2), which are of the form dij(2), are equal to the length of the shortest path from the i-th vertex to the j-th vertex with the vertices 1,2 allowed as intermediates.

And so on.

Eventually we arrive at D(n), which is the distance matrix.

In order to avoid confusion between vertex numbers and weights, our vertices are "numbered" with letters. a=1, b=2, and so on. So, for example, D(2) would allow for the vertices a,b as intermediates.


Relating the matrices in the series

Just like with Warshall's algorithm, we can relate D(k) to D(k-1). Here's how we do that.

Let dij(k) be the element in the i-th row and j-th column of matrix D(k). Then by definition, dij(k) is equal to the length of the shortest path from the i-th vertex vi to the j-th vertex vj, with all intermediate vertices <= k. Let L be this list of intermediate vertices. We can thus describe the path from vi to vj as

vi, L, vj

Just like with Warshall's algorithm, there are two possible scenarios at this point:

First scenario

In the first scenario, the k-th vertex, vk, is not in the list of intermediate vertices L. Since all vertices in L are less than or equal to k but k is not in L, we can conclude all vertices in L are less than or equal to k-1. So we have a set of paths, each of the form vi, L, vj with all vertices in L <= k-1. By how we've defined the matrices in the series, the shortest of these paths is equal to dij(k-1)

Second scenario

In the second scenario, the k-th vertex, vk, is in the list of intermediate vertices L. Since we've explicitly stated that the graph contains no negative cycles, we can conclude that vk occurs in L only once for the shortest path. Otherwise, the second occurrence of vk would imply an unnecessary cycle -- the path could not possibly be the shortest possible path. Consequently, we can split L into three groups: L1, a list of vertices <= k-1 (since vk only appears once in L), vk, and L2, another list of vertices <= k-1. Finally, we conclude that candidates for the shortest path from vi to vj are of the form vi, L1, vk, L2, vj.

With this information, we can conclude a couple of things. First, note that above we've shown that there exist paths from vi to vk with all intermediate vertices <= k-1. The shortest of these paths by definition is equal to dik(k-1). Similarly, we've also shown there exist paths from vk to vj with all intermediate vertices <= k-1. The shortest of these paths by definition is equal to dkj(k-1). Since the shortest path from vi to vk is dik(k-1) and the shortest path from vk to vj is dkj(k-1), we can conclude the shortest path from vi to vj is (dik(k-1) + dkj(k-1))

What we've shown

We've just shown for both cases (vk in L and not in L) that we can express dkj(k) in terms of dkj(k-1). The first scenario tells us that as we increase the k in D(k), the shortest path from vi to vj is guaranteed to remain the same despite this bigger k if the new vk is not an intermediate vertex in a path from vi to vj. This makes sense because by definition, the only paths dij(k) has that dij(k-1) does not are paths that involve vk as an intermediate vertex.

For example:

If the introduction of vk as an allowed intermediate creates new paths from vi to vj, then it seems like we would have to calculate the length of all such paths and compare them with eachother to determine the shortest of these new paths, which we'll call p. We would then need to compare p to dij(k-1) to see if this new path is actually shorter than what already existed before the introduction of vk as an allowed intermediate. However, we already proved that the length of the shortest path that has vk as an intermediate is exactly (dik(k-1) + dkj(k-1)), thus p = (dik(k-1) + dkj(k-1)). This reduces our work load to simply comparing p with dij(k-1), and choosing the smaller of the two as the shortest path from vi to vj.

This gives us the information we need to finally construct an algorithm.


dij(k) = min{(dik(k-1) + dkj(k-1)), dij(k-1)} for k>=1. dij(0) is just the weight matrix.


This pseduocode overwrites the matrix D each iteration, unlike the Warshall algorithm from part 1. This is more space efficient than keeping track of multiple multiple matrices since we only intend on returning the last matrix D(n).

# W is the nxn weight matrix, indexed at 1
def Floyd(W[1..n, 1..n]):
    D = W
    for k = 1 to n do
        for i = 1 to n do
            for j = 1 to n do
                D[i,j] = min{D[i,j], D[i,k]+D[k,j]}
    return D

Python implementation

The example weight matrix in the implementation represents the following graph, shown earlier in the notes:

import sys
import copy
INF = sys.maxint # use max_int as 'infinity'

def floyd(W, n):
    D = copy.deepcopy(W)
    k = 0
    while k < n:
        i = 0
        while i < n:
            j = 0
            while j < n:
                D[i][j] = min(D[i][j], D[i][k] + D[k][j])
                j += 1
            i += 1
        k += 1
    return D

# weight matrix of the graph used through the examples in the notes.
W = [

print(floyd(W, 4))

raw source


Similar to Warshall's algorithm, the time efficiency of Floyd's algorithm is O(n3).

Next time

Next time, we'll apply dynamic programming concepts to searching and optimal binary search trees.

(This post is part of the dynamic programming series.)

Date published - December 12, 2012