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Proving the sum of two even numbers is even

A simple proof of the equally simple claim that the sum of two even numbers is also even.

December 30, 2012 | Read the full article

Notes on dynamic programming - part 2

Part 2 of dynamic programming notes. We'll learn about weight matrices, distance matrices, and how we can use dynamic programming concepts to find the shortest paths in a weighted graph with the help of Floyd's algorithm.

December 12, 2012 | Read the full article

Notes on dynamic programming - part 1

Part 1 of extensive notes discussing the fundamentals of dynamic programming. Examples in these notes include the Fibonacci sequence, the Binomial Formula, and Warshall's algorithm. Python implementations of the algorithms are provided.

December 10, 2012 | Read the full article

Introduction to pointers in C

In this screencast, we cover the basics of pointers in C.

December 07, 2012 | Read the full article

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